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ARC success for CQOS

November 2017

CQOS has again enjoyed strong success in the latest round of ARC grants. CQOS researchers won two Australian Research Council Discovery Project grants, a DECRA award, and led a large LIEF grant in the 2017 round, for projects to commence in 2018.

Discovery Early Career Researcher Award

Dr Jia Wang

Total $343,450 over three years

Project Summary
Many-body localization characterized from a few-body perspective. This project aims to understand the quantum phenomenon of many-body localization, by studying novel theoretical models from an innovative, few-body perspective. The project expects to advance our knowledge in this new frontier of quantum statistical mechanics and to design realistic experimental protocols for observation and manipulation, especially on ultracold quantum-gasplatforms. Expected outcomes of this project include applications in quantum information storage, which expects to enhance Australia's research strength in quantum computation.

Discovery Project grants:

Professor Margaret Reid

Total $385,640 over three years

Project Summary
Applications and tests of mesoscopic quantum coherence and entanglement. This project aims to probe the nature of quantum reality at the mesoscopic level. Quantum mechanics predicts strange spooky steering effects. Recent experiments have confirmed such nonlocality between two particles. The project's intended outcome is to provide a theoretical backbone to extend these experiments to larger laboratory- based systems. The objective is theory for experiments enabling spooky action to be quantified and quantum paradoxes including the notion of parallel universes to be better understood. Anticipated outcomes are the use of quantum nonlocality to provide secure communication and ultra-sensitive measurement capabilities.


Professor Xia-Ji Liu

Total $317,288 over three years

Project Summary
Revealing universal exotic super-fluidity with ultra-cold fermionic atoms. This project aims to develop novel, more accurate methods to better characterise universal exotic super-fluidity, predicted to occur in ultra-cold fermionic atoms confined to move in two dimensions. Exotic super-fluidity, flow without loss of kinetic energy in unconventional states of matter, exists universally in cold-atoms, condensed matter systems and neutron stars, and lies at the heart of some two-dimensional quantum materials. In addition to enhancing Australia's role at the forefront of ultra-cold atomic physics, our research could be useful for emergent technologies based on exotic super-fluidity.

LIEF Project:

Christopher Vale; Andrei Sidorov; Peter Hannaford; Peter Drummond; John Close; Andrew Truscott; Nicholas Robins; Robert Scholten; Andrew Martin; Halina Rubinsztein-Dunlop; Matthew Davis; Kristian Helmerson; Lincoln Turner; Meera Parish; Tilman Pfau

Total $727,900

Project Summary
Australian quantum gas microscope. This project aims to create a quantum gas microscope for ultra-cold dysprosium atoms, realising a versatile system for quantum emulation, tests of fundamental, atom interferometry, and precision measurement. Quantum gas microscopy is a frontier area allowing atom-by-atom synthesis and probing of tailored quantum materials such as topological insulators. Using the lanthanide element dysprosium, which is highly magnetic and possesses both bosonic and fermionic isotopes, this facility will serve the needs of multiple research groups with diverse scientific interests.
